Fuels testing

The range and characteristics of fuels, additives and lubricants are ever-changing. Emissions Analytics supports a wide range of companies in real-world performance and comparison testing for the next generation of fuels for on-road, off-road and marine applications.

Composition and provenance testing

The fuels and lubricants supply chain is highly sophisticated, but is now being put under pressure to increase the volume of renewable fuels produced, to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The quality of fuels can be analysed using Emissions Analytics’ laboratory, which employs two-dimensional gas chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry to profile fully the organic compounds. This enables batch testing for uniformity. The compounds can be organised into functional groups, such as aromatics, which can help characterise the environmental effects from the fuel combustion. Further, a detailed chemical fingerprint of the fuel or lubricant can be determined, for the purposes of determining the geographical or supplier provenance.

In-use performance testing

The urgent need to lower the carbon footprint of fuels must not come at the expense of local air quality. When considering switching a fleet away from a conventional fuel it is critical to assess the emissions and fuel economy implications of that decision. By employing a rigorous and repeatable test methodology, single percentage changes in fuel consumption can be recorded. With the use of traditional PEMS enhanced by our proprietary real-world VOC testing, Emissions Analytics can measure both regulated and unregulated pollutants on the road.

Petrochemical Testing Services

  1. Fuels characterisation

    Profiling hydrocarbon composition in crude oil, including alkanes, cycloalkanes, aromatics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).

    Analysis of refined products such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene and lubricants to determine composition, quality and compliance with specifications.

  2. Fouling and deposit analysis

    Identification and characterization of deposits and fouling materials in refining equipment, which can help in understanding their formation mechanisms and developing mitigation strategies.

  3. Environmental impact assessment

    Analysis of petrochemical residues in environmental samples (e.g., soil, water) to assess the impact of spills, leaks and industrial discharges.

    Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic compounds and other pollutants to ensure compliance with environmental regulations.

  4. Catalyst performance and optimisation

    Evaluation of feedstock and product compositions to optimise catalytic processes in refining and petrochemical production.

    Monitoring of catalyst deactivation by analysing the deposition of contaminants and coke.

  5. Quality control and process monitoring

    Real-time monitoring of refinery streams to ensure product quality and process efficiency.

    Detection of contaminants and impurities that may affect the performance of downstream processes or final product quality.

Our advantage: GCxGC-TOF-MS vs. GC-MS

  • Enhanced separation power: two-dimensional chromatographic separation provides superior resolution, essential for analysing complex mixtures in petrochemical samples.

  • High sensitivity and selectivity: time-of-flight mass spectrometry detection offers excellent sensitivity, allowing for the detection and quantification of trace components.

  • Comprehensive analysis: Together, the techniques are capable of analysing a wide range of compounds in a single run, reducing the need for multiple analytical methods.

  • Read more about our laboratory capabilities.

We can test to any of these standards.

Contact us to discuss your project.