Water pollution

Detecting the sources water of contamination can be extremely challenging as the list of potential culprits can appears almost endless. You may have used single dimension gas chromatography before for this kind of investigation – GC-MS. That is a fine method when you know what you are looking for. Our approach, two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCxGC-TOF-MS), comes into its own when you don’t.

That is our advantage, GCxGC-TOF-MS to discover, identify and quantify water contaminants.

Drinking water analysis: Ensuring that tap water and bottled water are free from harmful organic contaminants and meet safety standards.

Environmental water monitoring: Regularly monitoring rivers, lakes, groundwater and coastal waters for pollution from agricultural runoff, industrial discharge and urban wastewater.

Wastewater treatment monitoring: Assessing the effectiveness of treatment processes in removing organic pollutants from municipal and industrial wastewater before discharge or reuse.

Groundwater assessment: Detecting and quantifying organic contaminants in groundwater, which may originate from sources such as leaking underground storage tanks, landfills and agricultural activities.

Read more about our laboratory capabilities.

Contact us to discuss your project.